60 Under Stairs Storage Ideas For Small Spaces Making Your House Stand Out

Shelves and storage spaces under the staircase are the best tricks to use the area underneath the stairs. How many of you thought about using the space under your stairs as a working area?

Under Stairs Storage Ideas

让我回答这个问题,告诉你,而不是马ny people figured this out. It’s all about the stairs; they have to be wide enough and straightforward forward allowing you to place a table there and some small shelves. A laptop or a PC will fit in there without any major problems. There are two types of office arrangements under the stairs.

Types of stairs

Stairs and staircases are of several different types. Each one is unique and offers advantages that others don’t. Here’s some of the most common types.

  • Straight stairs – appreciated for their simplicity. Straight staircases are easy to install, cheap, and easily available.
  • L-shaped stairs – visually appealing and space-efficient. They’re perfect for corner spaces. L-shaped stairs are however more difficult to build and thus more expensive than straight ones.
  • U-shaped stairs – good for corner areas and space-efficient. They’re more difficult to navigate, especially when carrying something.
  • Winder stairs – defined by a wedge shape and a fluid design. They’re often found in older residences and used for secondary staircases.
  • Spiral stairs – the most space-efficient of all types of staircases. Spiral stairs are ideal for small spaces. They’re difficult to navigate and can be used by one person at a time.
  • Ladder stairs – they take up very little floor space but are difficult to climb. Often they’re not permitted as the main staircase.
  • Split stairs – grand and imposing, great for making a statement. They’re expensive and take up a lot of space.
  • Floating stairs – minimal and ideal for contemporary spaces. Local building codes must be checked before building a floating staircase.
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The first one is facing the wall, positioned along with the steps and the other one is positioned perpendicular. Both types focus on the same thing maximizing the space available under the stairs as well as possible.

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Open storage staircase4
Open storage staircase4
Open storage staircase4

If you want to concentrate on your work without anyone distracting your attention you can mount a door. Sliding doors would be the best choice because it’s not going to take up a lot of space, but they can be expensive. Swing doors on the other hand may or may not fit or look appealing.

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Anyway, with or without doors, perpendicular or not, you can arrange an original home office under your stairs and that’s very good news for those who already explored all the other options.

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Ways to use the space under the stairs in the hallway.

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The hallway by due to its nature is like a very busy intersection with streets coming from all over the place. This means that this space can be used to store something that has to be at any moment at hand. Depending on what type of situation you are facing and what décor or architecture that space under your stairs from the hallway can be used to expand your décor or as storage area. A very good idea that also comes in quite handy is to transform that space to store your shoes and clothes for the cold\warm season. You can live it open or closed with big doors.

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Open storage staircase4
Open storage staircase4

The inside compartment can very easily be divided so every member of the family can have their own place. Storage is not the only option here; you can also use that area to extend your interior setting. I see a nice couch or a big comfortable armchair working just perfect in that spot, or simply use it to support your favorite decorations. If you care less about style and just need extra space for your appliances, sports items or why not your bike this is the perfect spot because is never in your way but at the same time very accessible.

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Open storage staircase4
Open storage staircase4

Ways to use the space under the stairs in the living room.

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你的客厅是一个更微妙的那n a hallway therefore the stairs from this area are either very stylish and any rough modification will ruin the overall look either made from materials that stand out and as before any major modification to them or the space around them will ruin the whole thing. In a living room, the secret is not to make something that doesn’t fully integrate into the environment.

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Open storage staircase4

Therefore the space under your stairs should be a part of the entire décor but focused more on functionality because in the end, that’s what we want: some extra space. Have ever thought about making a bookshelf under your living room’s stairs? If your answer is “yes” then you did o very good job maximizing your space, if the answer is “no” –why not? It’s not like your books are measuring 3 feet each!

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Open storage staircase4

A bookshelf is perfect for that space because you can make the shelves one longer one shorter one higher one lower and it will look great and I am sure that your favorite books won’t mind. Decorations also can have their “sanctuary” under the stairs as well as electronic equipment embellishing the entire living room with color and texture.

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Open storage staircase4


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This method of using the space under your stairs is recommended only in very tight situations when the lack of space is really an issue and you already eliminated all the other options. Using the area under your stairs as a kitchen or at least a part of the kitchen, in my opinion, is a bit on the limit because I am a man who likes to cook a lot and when I’m doing that I don’t want any shoes lasses getting in my food not mention dust or dirt.

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Open storage staircase4

Those who don’t have a lot of space to play with that spot can very easily incorporate some appliances, a sink or a stove. Above that you can put all your plates and coffee cups on small shelves, spices as well.

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Open storage staircase4

Rack and shelves under the stairs.

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We can all agree upon the fact that the easiest way to arrange the space under the stairs is with shelves and racks. A lot of things can be placed there without the need of heavy furnishing. Shelves can and it is actually recommended to be of different sizes and a little bit asymmetrical because the usual square spaces and straight lines don’t necessarily fit in new, modern interiors. On shelves, you can store almost anything the only thing that matters is where the stairs are located because different spaces call for different items.

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For example, on a hallway, you can very easily store a bike or your son’s basketball but in a living room the shelves under the stairs can only store small objects that are suited for a place like that; books, photos, decorations, vases and so on. The space under your stairs represents an extra storage space when you need one, so even if you think you don’t have anything to put on, build some shelves and make use of that space. You will always have something to put there.

Cabinets with doors under stairs.

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Recently cabinets came in different shapes, colors, and materials to fulfill our need for storage. One thing though was never attempted, at least until now. Now that we started this topic we are aware of the unused space under the stairs, so why not build cabinets with doors, locks and handles over there?

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Drawers built under stairs.

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If you care about your things a lot and you want them organized and you don’t really have the necessary space for them mounting multiple drawers under the stairs suddenly becomes a very interesting idea. Imagine all that space filled with drawers; small drawers and large drawers. I saw something like this in a tailoring workshop, where because of the tight space the owner mounted drawers under the access stairs where they kept both fabrics and threads.

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They had everything organized vertically with distinct drawers for different types of fabric as well for the various types of threads. This is really a good idea if you need extra storage space. Drawers are a little bit more private and you can organize your things better than on shelves, not to mention that on the exterior the entire ensemble of drawers looks really great and adds a bit of sophistication and mystery into the room.

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Open storage staircase4
Open storage staircase4

If you like a more complex organizer for your things, you can make big vertical drawers that slide open and inside there could be smaller drawers. This would work great if you have two kids and one use one big drawer for each one and inside there could be smaller drawers with shirts, pants, socks and so on.

Racks for a wine under stairs.

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Wine is an important element of any great dinner. If you like wine and you like having a good wine always at hand you can make a special place for it under the stairs. I don’t know why but I always see wine surrounded by wood, maybe because of its origins and how wine was initially stored; in wooden barrels. We can’t find nowadays wine for sale in wooden barrels, only in glass bottles and I can’t see a wine rack made from anything else but wood.

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Building a rack for wine is not that complicated and the final product filled with different bottles can serve very well as a decorative element. Both the rack and the individual bottles will definitely draw your guest’s attention. This adds a bit of class and elegancy in your décor making it a warm, welcoming house.

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Storage under open wooden stairs.

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This next type of storage under the stairs combines perfectly with style and functionality. Fact that the stairs are left open you can use non-uniform deformations of the wood and other elements to achieve you desired storage units. That type of storage adds an enormous amount of texture in the room with steps and shelves as well as the items stored underneath. It is truly amazing how you can do all that impressive effect and still keep practicality in mind.

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Open storage staircase4
Open storage staircase4

I think that people that have modern homes would appreciate this type of storage because they are more inclined towards non-conformism scraping-out traditional values and bringing and implementing indoors new concepts and ideas.

This example does just that and transforms something common we already know in something else that can still serve as the thing that was designed for and some extra new features. Do not get me wrong on this, we are not reinventing the wheel here, we are just finding new ways and places for it.


How wide is a staircase in a tiny house?

The minimum width of a staircase in a tiny house is 24’’. It should also have at least 6 ft 8’ of headroom measured vertically.

How do I build storage space under the stairs?

This can require modifications to be done to the staircase itself. Some options include open shelves, drawers, racks, or walk-in pantries. It’s best to consult a professional before doing anything. Changes done to the staircase can damage its structural integrity.

Can a half bath fit under the stairs?

It depends. Often the answer is yes. The limitations are the width of the staircase and the height of the ceiling. In some cases, you can even fit a full bathroom under the stairs.


一些创意包括一个书架,一个衣服area, shoe storage, a pet nook, a reading nook, a seating area, a secret room, a home office, or a powder room. Base the decision on your needs and personal taste.

How much room do you need under the stairs?

It depends on what you’re planning to use this space for. Some projects like a bathroom or a kitchen require more space. Others can do with limited space, like a couple of bookshelves or a few drawers. The height is often the limiting factor for most projects.
